Password Reset


Use this service to request assistance with resetting your HACC password. 

Available To

Students, Faculty & Staff


How to reset your HACC password.

Password Requirements:

  • 8 character minimum (must contain 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number, special characters are permitted but not recommended due to Banner INB restrictions)
  • Do not include the user's name (any part of the full name) or UserID in the password.
  • Do not copy and paste password in the new password fields.
  • 4 passwords are remembered, so users CANNOT reuse passwords within that limit
  • Required to change every 140 days
  • Password has a minimum age of 2 days (users cannot reset their password more than once within 2 days).

Getting Started

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the password reset portal located here:
  2. Enter your current HACC username and password and follow the prompts to reset your password.

Still having issues resetting your password? Please click the "Request Help with PWD Reset" button on the right and someone will contact you to assist.