Email Forwarding Policy

Due to recently discovered security risks, the college has implemented a policy that prohibits automatic email forwarding.
Background: Certain security vulnerabilities have been identified related to automatic email forwarding from HACC email accounts to third-party domains (such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc.). As a result, to safeguard sensitive information and maintain the security of our email systems, automatic forwarding is no longer permitted.
What this means for you: You may still manually forward email to another mailbox. However, automatic forwarding, which involves setting up rules in programs like Outlook to forward emails automatically, has been disabled.
Why it's important: By adhering to this policy, you are helping to protect the confidentiality and integrity of HACC's communications and data.
If you have any questions or need assistance with forwarding emails, please contact the IT Support Center.
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the security of our email systems.