HACC Wireless Network Overview
The HACC wireless network consists of several separate networks that serve employees, students, guests, and HACC-owned equipment. Each network serves a different purpose and requires a varying degree of logon credentials.
The following is a list of the HACC wireless networks and a brief description of their purpose.
SSID: HACCwifi (Intended for Students and Employees)
Use: All HACC students will be asked to use the HACCwifi network. Students will authenticate with their AD userid and passwords. After authenticating, students will not need to provide authentication again until their password changes. If a student's password expires before it has been changed, the student will need to access the MyHACC portal to initiate a password change from a non-wireless device that can access the MyHACC portal. All employees will connect their personally owned devices (ie. laptops, cell phones, tablets) to this SSID to access the Internet and select HACC servers.
In addition, all Mersive Solstice and similar classroom devices will attach wirelessly to this network. Faculty who teach using these devices in the classroom may need to attach to the HACCwifi network in order to use these devices. Mersive Solstice devices are designed to be used to share screens from handheld devices.
Access: The HACCwifi network will exist outside of the normal HACC network. Access to internal HACC services will appear as though the connections are coming from outside of the college – and firewall rules will be in place to block access to resources that students do not need to access. This will be similar for employee-owned devices as well.
Use: The HACCguest network can be used by anyone who is not affiliated with HACC. These people include but are not limited to visitors to the college, guest lecturers, and the general public. These people will need to self-enroll themselves for a one-time daily use credential to access the wireless network. A valid cell phone number must be entered as part of the self-enrollment process. The credentials necessary to access the wireless network will be sent to the individual through a text message. Any person who does not have a valid cell phone number will need to have a HACC employee create a sponsored account which is discussed later.
Access: The HACCguest network has minimal access to the MyHACC web-portal and limited access to library services. This network will provide access to the Internet.
Use: HACCRadius SSID is to be used for connecting college-owned devices to the wireless network. These devices all connect to the wireless network using a common userid and password known to IT staff who routinely deal with these devices. If the password changes, all of these devices would need to be updated with the new credentials. Normally a change in this password would occur during a semester break when mass imaging or refreshing of the OS takes place. This SSID will remain in use for the foreseeable future.
Access: This wireless network provides employees with access to the inside HACC network and access to the Internet.
SSID: HACCPSK (non-broadcast, hidden)
Use: Like HACCRadius, this is used for HACC-owned devices that cannot authenticate using radius. This is still maintained, but use should be avoided. The SSID is not broadcast or advertised. Any device using HACCPSK is on the same network segment as those devices authenticating to HACCRadius.
Access: This wireless network provides employees with access to the inside HACC network and access to the Internet.
Sponsored Guest Portal
A number of questions have been asked regarding guest accounts. The guest accounts that an individual can create for themselves are restricted to a one-time single-day account. There is a mechanism for employees at HACC to create guest accounts for any person to provide a wireless credential that is good for one day or for as long as a year. It is called a sponsored guest account. All HACC employees can create these accounts by going to https://sponsor.hacc.edu and entering the required information. The sponsoring employee can then manage the accounts they create by editing the information, extending the length, suspending, deleting, and even resetting the password. It becomes incumbent upon the HACC employee to be responsible for the individuals they sponsor.
IT Support Center staff will have the ability to manage ALL sponsored accounts.
Like self-registration, the sponsored individuals only have access to the HACCguest network which has limited access to HACC services. Access to the public internet is permitted.
IMPORTANT: For sponsored accounts, where the term of the account is to be greater than seven (7) days, or one week, the request needs to be approved by either Jim Walker or Dave Shaffer. Failure to follow this process will result in the loss of privileges to create sponsored accounts.